The Management Company has concluded agency agreements for securities trading/providing investment and additional services with the following broker-dealer firms:
Number and date of the decision issuing securities operations license: 5/0-03-1998/6-12 dated July 16th, 2012.
Date of conclusion of agreement with the Company: February 26th, 2024.
Number and date of the decision issuing securities operations license: 5/0-46-1860/5-12 dated September 27th, 2012.
Date of conclusion of agreement with the Company: December 18th, 2023.
Number and date of the decision issuing securities operations license: 5/0-46-2017/10-12 dated November 29th, 2012.
Date of conclusion of agreement with the Company: September 16th, 2024.
Number and date of the decision issuing securities operations license: 5/0-03-2039/7-12 dated July 16th, 2012.
Date of conclusion of agreement with the Company: dated February 12th, 2025.
Banka Poštanska štedionica ad Beograd
Kraljice Marije 3, Beograd
Matični broj: 07004893
PIB: 100002549
Ugovor o pružanju usluga distribucije za investicione fondove kojima upravlja Društvo zaključen je u Beogradu dana 14.11.2024.
Vista Rica ad Beograd Alternative Investment Funds Management Company has concluded a consulting services agreement with the consulting and auditing company KPMG doo.
1J Milutina Milankovića St, Novi Beograd.
Reg. number: 17148656
TIN: 100058593
Consulting services agreement no. 404 was made and entered into in Belgrade on August 9th, 2024.
The auditing and consulting company PKF doo, 5/III Palmira Toljatija St, Belgrade, conducts external audit of the financial statements of the Company and funds managed by the Company.
Reg. number: 08752524
Reg. number (in the BRA register): BD51249/2014
TIN: 102397694
Decision issuing auditing license: 401-00-1592/2014-16 dated September 07th, 2014.
The external audit services agreement for the financial statements of the Vista Rica ad Beograd Alternative Investment Funds Management Company and alternative investment funds Vista Rica Invest and Vista Rica Corporate, number 173/24, was made and entered into in Belgrade on September 25th, 2024.
Vista Rica ad Beograd Alternative Investment Funds Management Company has concluded an Agreement for the provision of legal services with Aleksić and Associates Joint Law Office, Novi Sad.
Aleksić and Associates Joint Law Office, Novi Sad,
1 Grčkoškolska St, Novi Sad
Reg. number: 56362525
TIN: 101702328
The Agreement for the provision of legal services was made and entered into in Belgrade on February 1st, 2024.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.