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Clients can submit complaints orally, in writing, through a book of impressions, or electronically. They may do so by sending a letter of complaint to the address of the Management Company – 4 Heroja Milana Tepića Street – or electronically to the e-mail of the Management Company:

The Company is obligated to consider the complaint and provide a written response within 10 working days of receiving it. Exceptions apply to complaints related to personal data protection and those that may require more than 10 working days to resolve. In these cases, the Company will inform the client of the actions taken and the estimated resolution timeline within 10 working days.

The Management Company is obligated to notify the client of the outcome in writing.


Securities that give the owner the right to manage and the right to proportional participation in the profits of the joint stock company. Shares are long-term marketable securities without predetermined maturity that are traded on the capital markets.

Price index of shares traded on the Belgrade Stock Exchange. It is weighted exclusively by the free float market capitalization. Belex15 consists of stocks that are traded using the continuous trading method and that have met the criteria for entering the index basket.

The first index constructed by the Belgrade Stock Exchange. Its basic purpose is to measure changes in share prices on the free stock market of all issuers whose shares have been transacted at least once. Such an index structure allows it to be a basic reference point (benchmark) when monitoring the national financial market. It is weighted by market capitalization.

A set of data used to compare the performance of a portfolio or individual investment.

Organized markets where different categories of assets are traded (shares, bonds, various goods…) according to pre-defined and strictly established rules for listing and trading listed categories.

A person authorized by the Securities Commission to trade in securities. He works in brokerage houses or banks (companies authorized to deal with securities). The broker buys and sells securities based on the client’s order and charges a certain commission for this service.

Regulatory and supervisory institution of the Serbian capital market. Supervises the issuance and trading of securities on the Belgrade Stock Exchange and takes care of the overall arrangement and development of the Serbian capital market.

A person or company that acts as a principal in the trade of securities, goods or services. He buys for his own account and then resells to clients. The profit or loss it realizes is the result of the difference between the amount it paid and the amount it received after the resale of the trade item.

The profit of the joint stock company paid to the shareholders. In general, any amount of business results or capital gain from the issue of shares in excess of par value that is shared or distributed to the owners of the shares.

The day when the loan, loan installments or bond securities are due and should be paid. In the case of bonds, upon maturity, the issuer is obligated to the valid bond holder to pay the nominal amount for which the bond is issued.

Financial expert, specialist in asset management of funds employed in a company for managing investment funds

An investment fund is a collective investment institution in which funds are collected and invested in different types of assets, in accordance with a predetermined investment policy, with the aim of generating income for the benefit of the owners of investment units, i.e. members of the investment fund and reducing investment risk;

Procedure for exchange of securities for other types of securities or for the same securities of other issues or series.

Periodic payments of interest on the bond to the holder of the instrument. The coupon is expressed as a percentage as the annualized value of the nominal amount of the debt instrument. The coupon method of interest collection is common, popular and most often semi-annual and annual. It is characteristic of bond issues in material form and is bearer, whereby the coupon can be collected by anyone who owns it.

A set of financial assets that an individual or company owns. It can consist of money (eg cash, deposits) and securities (eg shares, bonds). Portfolio diversification is investing money in various securities in order to disperse the risk of the success of individual investments.

The deviation of the actual from the expected return on investment.

The market where capital is bought and sold, i.e. the place where demand and supply of capital meet. Long-term securities (shares and bonds) are traded. Stock exchanges are the most common places where capital market instruments are traded.

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